At St. Chad’s we will
- help children to see the importance of music and how it can support other areas of learning.
- expose children to fun, inspiring and engaging music lessons.
- underpin planning and progression with a rigorous assessment system to identify gaps in learning and work to support those children to reach ARE.
- Support children to gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating and analysing.
- encourage children to form their own opinions about music and be able to give justify the opinions they have formed.
- ensure all children have opportunity to learn to play tuned and untuned instruments.
- expose children to high quality musical performances.
- provide opportunities for children to perform what they have learnt and share musical talents from extra-curricular activities.
- Music will be taught for 1 hour a week.
- The Charanga scheme for music will be followed.
- To use the Charanga assessment tool for all children.
- To expose children to different genres, styles and ages of music.
- In lessons children will listen and respond, explore and create, learn to sing and perform.
- Children will be recorded at the beginning, middle and end of a unit of work to show progression.
- Children will be formally taught, in lessons, how to play untuned instruments, ocarinas and recorders.
- Children will take part in whole school and class performances in front of an audience.
- Children will attend concerts virtually or in person to expose them to high quality musical performances.
- Some children will have professional singing lessons from St. Chad’s choral outreach.
- Children will enjoy their music lessons and be able to express themselves using the language of music.
- Children will use the correct vocabulary and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions, pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations
- Children will see their voice as a musical instrument and be able to use and control it as such.
- Children will listen to and enjoy music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of great composers and musicians.
- Children will be able to critically evaluate music, using the correct vocabulary, and give reasons for their thoughts and opinions.
- Children not reaching ARE will be quickly identified and support put in place.
- Children’s self confidence will grow as they discover a love of performing.