St Chad's Catholic Primary School



It is intended that the teaching of PSHE will enable the children to be independent, responsible, healthy and respectful members of their communities. Opportunities for the children to learn about their personal and social development will be given to the children through these lessons. Through PSHE, the children will explore ways in which they may be able to overcome social, moral and cultural issues that they could come into contact with in their futures. We hope that the children will develop a positive feeling of self-worth with a bank of resources which would help them to regulate their mental well-being, resilience and tolerance in the future.



PSHE is taught once per week as a discreet lesson and the curriculum content is taught across phases of the school with the EYFS curriculum linking directly to PSED in that year group. The curriculum for PSHE at St. Chad’s is founded in the PSHE Programmes of Study – which include the P of S for RSE. The teaching of these P of S is supported by the Ten:Ten scheme resource – ‘Life to the Full’. Alongside this scheme, the School Nurse also teaches about health and hygiene and teachers also use a range of resources including the ‘Dot Com’ books. In KS1 and KS2, the children record their work in books. The lessons are organised into three main modules: Health, Relationships, Living in the Wider World.

Often, the PSHE curriculum is also taught or referred to during other lessons, class discussions or linked with the Catholic Life of the school and the school virtues. It is integral to the mission of St. Chad’s school and will largely help to shape our children’s lives in the future.



By the end of Year 6, the children of St. Chad’s will have an understanding of how to stay safe and healthy. They will be able to use skills taught to them such as: building self-esteem, resilience and empathy to overcome possible problems in the future. The children will have had experiences helping them to be independent and responsible members of a diverse society and they will understand the benefits of being positive and proactive in society.


PSHE Overview